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SXSW 2012 Wrap-Up

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SXSW 2012 Wrap-Up

Postby Frau_Blucher » Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:33 pm

I'm leaning toward saying this was my best South-By ever. I'm actually surprised that with an extra day, I didn't see more gigs than "just" the 55 - about the same as last year. Based on my ratings, I think that I did however see more quality bands. I don't think I'm getting soft on these either, just maybe getting better at picking, plus Coop and Plag were great to tag-team on scouring the lists. Seeing better bands also means you're less inclined to bail and go see something else, adding to the band tally but not the quality tally. Huge thanks to them for a great great time. My A thru F band ratings...

[b]A+ The Jesus and Mary Chain at The Belmont:[/b]
A 19-song epic witnessed from stagefront. No surliness. No picking their favorites vs. our favorites. Right to the creamy center including a fantastic Just Like Honey duet with a lucky local singer. The height of this SXSW for me. I’m not sure how much else there is to say about it.
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[b]A+ Peter Case and Paul Collins: [/b]
The first of two gigs, and I was so happy that my eyes almost got a little watery at one point. One particular string of Million Miles, Hanging on the Telephone, When You Find Out, Working Too Hard, then Now. Wow! I don’t know if anyone else in the room, Coop or Plag included, would give this score, but these bands were very personal to me. It was magic and it was near ecstasy.
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[b]A Dinosaur Jr at 89 Rainey: [/b]
This “venue" is basically a tent with an out-building fronting it in an area that was all crack houses several years ago. For that reason, I was also not sure how to get there. I’m walking along and this old dude with long gray hair starts walking next to me. “Um, Jay?" “Yes." “Wow." “Heh." “I guess I’m going the right way to the Dinosaur Jr gig?" “Yes." A bit of an odd dude, but a crazy experience. You can imagine how the rest goes…Jay, the band, and his friends from Marshall just bring it.
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[b]A The Wedding Present at Red Eyed Fly: [/b]
This is how a veteran band should play a festival. Play tons of their classics while mixing in a couple new numbers and all the while just kick ass. Great great entertainment that I won’t have to explain to Wedding Present fans.
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[b]A Riverboat Gamblers at Jackelope: [/b]
Picture tells the story, and I have tons more just like this. It’s not an A for the band itself and the music as it’s recorded. Not exactly my thing, though there’s lot of punk goodness here mixed with some forthright rock. It’s an A for this particular performance. They poured every bit of their energy into it. Taking the cake was lead singer Mike Wiebe who performed practically the entire set from atop the nearby bar top. It was great entertainment. Bit hard to explain that with all the intense energy, it yet had none of the angry intimidation of some hardcore – it was just pure, good-natured punk energy.
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[b]A Ume at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
I wasn’t even going to go see Ume this South-by. They (uh, she) knocked my socks off two years ago with their straight driving rock that still had those hidden melodies that I need to like this kinda stuff. Last year was a disappointment with too many plodding, guitar solo driven numbers that was neither as melodious nor driving enough. Tacked onto the end of the Deathstarr gig, I figured it was low activation energy to stick around. Incredibly happy I did. The band shredded like they’d never shredded before. Back on form in a huge way. I could post 50 pics of Lauren thrashing about.
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[b]A Nightbeats at The Belmont: [/b]
These guys have been around awhile, but I’d never really been exposed to them. They utterly rocked it, and I was totally taken by surprise. Full-on A here. No quibbles. They’re about as close to the modern incarnation of MC5 as you’re gonna get. Pure garage rock goodness and great showmanship.
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[b]A- Whirr at The Iron Bear: [/b]
First, I’m absolutely not saying that these kids are the next MBV or something. Far from it. They’re very rough, and they may never make it past a few compelling tracks to make old shoegaze fans swoon a bit. They’re very young and a bit sloppy in places. Lead girl is attractive and aloof in that perfect kind of shoegaze way, but her voice isn’t great. I just really really like ‘em right now for a) that huge wall of sound they can generate and b) their barefooted lead guitarist who is very tight and highly talented (I think – I’m not really a judge of these things). This was round 2 for us seeing them, and they held up to the scrutiny, I thought. Listen to their Junebouvier single.
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[b]A- Ringo Deathstarr at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
I swear to you I’m not smitten by this band because the bassist has the longest legs I’ve ever seen. She makes Barbie look like Cee Lo Green. Beyond that, these guys just shred. A very hard flavor to psych and shoegaze and alt rock. Imagine that, another trio’s got my attention. Marking them down a bit for the short set as the showcase was running way late.
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[b]A- Chairlift at The Beaty Bar: [/b]
Woof and double-woof. Lead singer Caroline’s “you had me at hello" moment was when she came out wearing just a long t-shirt with Prefab Sprout lyrics hand-scrolled on it. The music is a bit electro pop, a bit dark sexy trip hop. It’s all a great package. Higly recommended.
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[b]A- Cold Showers at The Belmont: [/b]
These guys perfectly fit the formula that I’m now all-too-aware that I fall for – shimmering guitars, strummy bass and deep vocals in a post-punk vein. Cold Showers are that exactly and I love it. It doesn’t feel like pastiche either. I never thought “Hey that song sounds like so and so." Original…I think…or I’m in denial. Whatever. It's good.
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[b]A- Polica at The Beauty Bar: [/b]
A real revelation. I didn’t know 90s trip-hop goddesses were still around. Channy Leaneagh certainly is, and she’s breathtaking. Add her moves and her voice, and the package is incredibly sultry. Thanks to Plag for redirecting me from Dragonette going on at the same time, who I'd seen before.
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[b]A- Crystal Fighters at The Parish: [/b]
I peeled off from the main gang on recommendations that these guys were ludicrously fun. Nevermind for now that the first time someone mentioned them as being sorta Basque folktronic dubby electrodancemeisters, I almost said F the F off. Can’t really grasp them by any description. Just a very unique and intelligent band that nevertheless is a massively fun party band.
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[b]A- Kaiser Chiefs at Cedar St Courtyard: [/b]
It would have been really easy to dismiss these guys. I mean, they’re so 2005 aren’t they? Something to be said for having been around, cranking out indie pop/rock pleasers, and learning to entertain to arena-sized crowds. They absolutely worked the crowd. Great, pleasurable afternoon in the Texas sun.
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[b]A- Paul Collins and Peter Case: [/b]
Certainly the lesser of the two gigs I saw. This one was more The Nerves plus The Beat (the reason for the “English" in that other Beat). Some power pop gems to be sure, but the first gig with more Plims numbers was superior. Still amazing to be seeing them.
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[b]A- The Foreign Resort at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
This was round 2 for us and these Danish rockers. We were led to the first gig by a great little single, and they didn’t let us down. We thought we’d seen a nice polished though perhaps not exceptional indie rock band. They held up to the closer inspection and even rocked it harder this time. Great fun and nice guys.
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[b]B+ The Pomegranates at Trinity Hall: [/b]
Had seen them once before. Got a whole different set this time, not entirely to the betterment. I’m beginning to think that what I think are the band’s best songs are not what they think they are. I’m not sure they know what a great thing they might have lurking on the edges of their kinda college-ey persona. I want to slap them upside the head and say “get fucking serious and play!" Still, I love a ton of their songs.
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[b]B+ Whirr in a shack at some death metal showcase somewhere, WTF: [/b]
Their second gig was the superior. This was in a shanty. Sound quality was horrible. Some of the guitars didn’t even work, but fortunately, their bare-footed lead guy was on it. He’s the real talent in this group.
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[b]B+ The Calm Blue Sea at Trinity Hall:[/b]
Got here just as they were finishing their last couple of (long) songs. Every bit I remember from last year – my favorite post-rock band. The perfect recipe for head-banging in long slow sweeps.

[b]B+ Hands and Teeth at Club 512: [/b]
They have what is sure to be a top 10 single for me this yesr in ‘Hunting Season’. They haven’t put out too much more yet, so they’re a little light on material. I think it’s still very up-in-the-air about how they’ll turn out. Right now, they’re an entertaining and sometimes even alluring band that I’m a little smitten with.
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[b]B+ The Foreign Resort at Frank: [/b]
Frank as in they serve hot dogs here. Nice venue still. Another band that’s powered by a really good single in ‘Take a Walk’, which has all the elements that tick my check boxes – deep strummy bass, shimmering high-keyed guitars, and a mature voice. Lots of post-punk in many of their songs but not all of them. They get rootsie too, which is when I don’t like them as much. Will be interesting to see where they go from here. This was the first of two times we saw them and I’m glad the second didn’t disprove that we saw a good thing.
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[b]B+ Fidlar at Shangri-La: [/b]
I mostly went because it was the way back from the first Whirr gig and Plagiarism wanted to go. A really great surprise. They just furiously bring out the garage and punky rock that when done right is massively entertaining.
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[b]B+ The Vandelles at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
These New Yorkers put out some really solid indie rock. The lead guy looks like he could be an emo weanie, but he and they are not that at all. Maybe I’m swayed by the stunning bassist and drummer, the latter who is an absolute angel who transforms into a prosessed, sweating rock demon. Very solid stuff.
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[b]B+ Titus Andronicus at The Belmont: [/b]
Their sound and live performance have both improved since I last saw them two years ago. They’ve jettisoned their female bassist and their beards. Those things help round out their transformation into a leading garagey indie rock band with an absolute passion to perform. Lead singer Patrick just needs to keep the mouth that’s attached to his basket-case head shut except for singing. We don’t care about your eating disorder or Pogues grievances or anyfuck else.
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[b]B Nightmare Air at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
A very solid rock and roll threesome. They seem serious about their music. A no nonsense approach. They could have been 80s contemporaries to X, The Cult, etc, not that they sound exactly like that. Some really great guitar work. Feels darker (in a good way) than some of their recorded stuff, maybe because the female singer’s charming voice lightens it up a bit on record. I’m going to seek out more stuff and could very well like them more.
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[b]B Lost in the Trees at Flamingo Cantina: [/b]
Tetering between a B and B+ here. Not really my thing, even though I can’t really describe what their thing is. They have a lot of different orchestral, rock, pop, folky stuff going on, but I dare not speak the Arc*de F*re and reference point. They’re not that at all. They do have some stunningly lovely voices and they put them together in a nice blissed-out and tuneful way.
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[b]B Black Ryder at The Iron Bear: [/b]
I think Coop and I were most-smitten by their female guitarist, who we’re pretty sure might be the most rivetingly alluring woman on the planet. They all rock pretty well too. They’re basically a well-sorted dark alt rock band with some dashes of psych. That’s a pretty good thing, but we still didn’t stick around for the whole set, so not a ‘great’ thing.
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[b]B Me You Us and Them at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
Definitely the most straight-up indie rock amongst a great afternoon set of rockers. They got kinda lost in the shuffle for me, so I had to look up some youtube again to remind me. That’s a bit telling perhaps. Good but there’s lots of good out there.
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[b]B Caveman at Bat Bar: [/b]
They seemed to be all over SXSW, so I figured they must be pretty good. A couple of snippets I heard would seem to support this. And live, they were indeed pretty good. Just pretty good.
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[b]B Brite Futures at The Velveeta Room: [/b]
They weren’t as cheesy as I was worried they’d be, as any band formerly called Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head very well might be. They're authoritative members of some new music vanguard either, nor do they pretend to be. They’re just fun electro indie pop, irrespective that their name might ultimately be ironic rather than prophetic.
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[b]B Kasabian at 1100 Warehouse: [/b]
Okay, this could be controversial. We were in the area at the end of the night and thought “what the heck". They were exactly what one would expect a now stadium-type band to be – very professional and showy with lots of pleasing songs sprinkled throughout. That’s it. Move along, move along.
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[b]B- Hands and Teeth on the sidewalk along Red River: [/b]
I always wonder why people stop to listen to hack bands or individuals that play along just about every street in Austin during SXSW. Don’t they know there’s a huge opportunity cost in actual good bands you might miss?! I almost missed these guys thinking the same thing. Good music per the previous review, but the “venue" isn’t really suited to them. Still, it was nice meeting them and being about the only person who knew who they were.
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[b]B- The Arkells at The Belmont: [/b]
From Hamilton Ontario, these guys are your very typical fun Canadian dudes. They’re also really tight on their instruments. They are however a couple of ticks above bar band material. They’re perfect as openers. Not sure why anyone I know would go out of the way to buy their music with so much else going on.
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[b]B- Writer at Shangri-La: [/b]
I dread duos. They can rarely really bring it live without additional reinforcement, Japandroids being the classic awful example. They rocked it pretty well though. But if one had to chose which garagey band to listen to in the Writer/Fidlar back-to-back, it’s a runaway for Fidlar. That’s kinda the problem with the garage space – you really have to be immense to stand out.
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[b]B- The War on Drugs at The Moody Theatre: [/b]
The Moody just might possibly be the best sounding and best configured larger music venue in Austin. Check that…in all of North America. It’s absolutely pristine and brilliantly laid-out. War on Drugs’ sound should have fit the bill perfectly for this place, but they just didn’t connect with the audience. I have a similar reaction to their music. A few bits threaten to grab my attention, but it just doesn’t stick. They have stadium airs about them, but not the stadium songs IMHO.
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[b]B- Clock Opera at The Parish: [/b]
Lots of familiar sounds here – “new wavey" in some ways mixed with more modern indie and electro pop in reasonable doses. Not that grabby though. Exactly the kind of stuff that can get lost in the overload of South-by. I might have to revisit.
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[b]B- Django Django at Flamingo Cantina: [/b]
We chatted with a French music writer while waiting for them outside. He was convinced they were going to break big soon. I of course had it in my mind that there never has been a truly great French band and there may never be (I’m being argumentative). It came to pass that these guys indeed weren’t great and I seriously doubt they’ll “break". Interesting bits of indie electro, but too much repetitive droning on.
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[b]B- Gemini Club at Empire Auto: [/b]
Not pictured as I was just poking my head into town on a Monday after some work meetings. I settled in for a bit Empre Auto, a literal garage which was set up as an interactive media saloon with walls of lights and white beanbags everywhere. I plopped down and enjoy some good but simple and ultimately non-engaging electro pop.

[b]B- Electric Touch at Empire Auto: [/b]
Came after Gemini Club. Decent indie rock band. I think the beanbag chair and beer made me enjoy more than I really should have. Bit disposable but worse ways to spend an evening.

[b]C+ The dB’s at BD Riley’s: [/b]
This was a big disappointment, but honestly not the biggest surprise because I was actually having a hard time figuring how good they would be live based on their recorded material. Plus like Coop said at the time, the worst thing you can possibly hear at a festival is “We’ve got a new album coming out…" So of course they skipped many favorites, and the rest of the songs played just weren’t that compelling. Nothing at all like the other veterans I saw this week, all the rest of whom really brought it. Could have been lower if it didn’t serve to put a check mark next to classic band seen.
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[b]C+ Gliss at Trinity Hall: [/b]
The weakest of the otherwise great Modern Outsider stable. There is some maturity to these guys – this seems to be a common theme among many Scandinavian bands that come over. It says shoegaze, pop and dance-rock, but there’s kind of a prog thread through it all that just doesn’t mix in right. Not awful. Not compelling.
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[b]C+ Paula and Karol at Cedar St Courtyard: [/b]
Maybe the best of an early-day Polish contingent. I hope they have better bands back in the home country. Paula and Karol seem like genuinely nice people with some modicum of talent, but it’s still just barely elevated bar band music with some eastern folkish flare per the couple of odd instruments. Yes, I’m an ugly American.
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[b]C Zulu Winter at Cedar St Courtyard: [/b]
I had reasonably high hopes for these guys. A couple of track samplers seemed pretty interesting. As a whole, they too fall prey to too little songwriting and stage presence.
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[b]C Coldair at Cedar St Courtyard: [/b]
Polish band who came a long way to play indistinct indie rock. They weren't offensive though and seemed quite earnest.
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[b]C- Reptar at Cedar St Courtyard: [/b]
Reptar are the perfect example of what’s wrong with indie today. There’s too many bands putting notes together to absolutely no good effect. There’s just no song-writing here and very little compelling about the presentation. They’d have scored lower if I didn’t have access to an air-conditioned seat next to the bar.
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[b]D+ Dan Deacon at Mohawk: [/b]
A couple of drummers plus a weird dude with a synth in the audience, making the crowd do various group performance stuff…to distract from the “music" being awful? The + for being midly entertaining with the group participation.
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[b]D+ Neon Trees at 1100 Warehouse: [/b]
Okay, I really do have an excuse for why I was even here. I was taking Plagiarism to his car and we got sidetracked, thinking we might finish the night with a couple gigs nearby. We got in while they were finishing up their last few numbers. Massively annoying and hapless group of supposed music fans in the audience. Band gets a + for showmanship and knowing how to bilk the witless. An F for the audience.
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[b]D Say Hi at The Ghost Room: [/b]
Or as no one told us as they should, “Say Hi guy doing acoustic solo". Weak.
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[b]D- Cymbals Eat Guiars at Flamingo Cantina: [/b]
Easily my biggest disappointment of SXSW. Recorded, they show glimpses of psych rock coolness. There’s some of that in their instrumentation, but it’s completely lost with their boob of a singer who takes the band off on glorified bar band stylings. Awful but at least they tried, unlike the next band.
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[b]D- Yellow Ostrich at Bat Bar: [/b]
An amazing assemblage of all that is bad about indie rock. Little inventiveness. Just a bunch of notes strung together and sung by a guy with an annoying voice. Worst of all was the bassist being all surly because the sound wasn’t right, forgetting he was performing for an audience who could have been elsewhere.
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[b]F Gardens and Villas at Clive Bar: [/b]
A quiver of flutes? A quicker of f’in flutes?! AN F’IN QUIVER OF F’IN FLUTES?!! Come on man.
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[b]F MDNR at Empire Auto: [/b]
If my first two experience here at this venue were moderately pleasant happenstances, this was the giant crap on top of the cake. This idiotically dressed near-MILF comes on stage and tries to act like some electro pop queen. She was fucking awful. Really pissed off the night ended this way.

Bottom line to the festival, I think I saw more of what I wanted to than ever before. Still some key misses:
Hey Chica!
Dirty Ghosts
The Ettes
Mr. Gnome
Neon Indian
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Room at the Top
Posts: 10195
Joined: Wed May 21, 2003 1:37 pm

Postby Frau_Blucher » Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:55 pm

And now a question. Which is THE Drummer Goddess of SXSW 2012? Cold Showers' Jess or "Honey" from The Vandelles?

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Room at the Top
Posts: 10195
Joined: Wed May 21, 2003 1:37 pm

Postby plagiarism » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:08 pm

There's no way I can be as thorough as the Frau, and I don't have a good camera, so I don't bother taking pictures, but here's my rankings. Funny, most of my top concerts were without Frau and Coop. And many of Frau's top concerts were without me.

Note: I'm an easy grader. [:D]

With the exception of the SXSW-defining section, all bands are listed in chronological order.


Zenzile - I had no expectations about this French rock/funk/whatever-the-heck-they are band, but they blew the roof off live. Like my favorite concert from last year's SXSW, Miami Horror, they're nowhere near as good on their studio albums. But, man, they're great live.

White Rabbits - Two drummers on most of the songs. While one does the usual thing, the other is pounding simple tribal beats. It makes all the difference in the world.

Light Asylum - Electronic duo, which usually makes me wary, but the woman can really belt them.

Fidlar - Good, old-fashioned garage/punk done right. And loud.

The Wedding Present - Saw them twice--the first one, at the Red-Eyed Fly, was better due to the sound system. Still insanely great.

Riverboat Gamblers - A local band who maybe play at the Jackalope often, and can get away with performing on the bar. Regardless, great energy and presence.

Peter Case/Paul Collins - They came on right after the Riverboat Gamblers. I was worried that they were going to suck after being blown away by the Gamblers. They more than held their own.

Foreign Resort - Danish power pop. Some of the best of the genre.

The Jesus and Mary Chain - It pains me to put them this low, but the first 15 to 20 minutes sounded like they were removing an item from their bucket list by performing in front of Plagiarism.

The 2:54 - Creeping is so sublime live. Hearing it at the end of the day (at about 1:30) and having the singer seeming make eye contact a couple of times just sent shivers down my spine (in a good way).

Library Voices - Lightweight Canadian pop, but sooo much fun listening to it.

[b]Great Show, Guys (and Occassionally Girls)[/b]
The gap differentiates the B pluses from the B minuses.

Bloody Beach - Norwegians. Glad they made the trip
Band of Skulls - Excellent trio, not quite as good as Ume, though.
Drums - Fun set
Whirr - Real funny seeing these shoegazers in the middle of a thrash metal lineup. One big biker seemed to be into them, the rest were WTF? The 2nd show didn't offer any improvements to me.
Wedding Present (2nd show) - Only a few of the same songs as the first set. Thumbs up for that
Pujol - Psych rockers from Nashville. They definitely attracted a different crowd and all the other indie bands
Chairlift - Was a bit wary of Chairlift, because I didn't like their single Amanaemonesia, but it was good live.
Howlers - A really good show that might have been better if their patter weren't so filled with in-jokes
Ume - My first time seeing them. Very impressive.
Hatcham Social - Was afraid they would suck without their keyboards. Very good show.
Mind Spiders - The show was marred by about 4 guys who wanted to slam dance. At 1 AM, no one else was game.

Tycho - Pretty surf/chillwave music. Stumbled upon them waiting for Light Asylum
Reptar - I liked them a lot more than Frau did.
We Are Augustines - I wanted them to be better
Pomegranates - They're either great or wanking. I heard both.
Polica - I don't think they played my favorite song of theirs, Dark Star. Still enjoyable set, though.
Go Back to the Zoo - Dutch, but weren't really different enough to warrant the trip
Flying Eyes - Straight blues rock. Not really my thing, but a perfect palate cleanser after Big Deal
We Were Promised Jetpacks - Sometimes, they're a bit too melodramatic

[b]They Had Their Moments[/b]
X-Certs - The singer's adenoidal voice dropped them this low. Possibly a B+ if I liked the voice
Brite Futures - After the concert, I would have ranked them in the B- category. But the more I think about it, they were just OK. The one song the girl sang was dreadful.
dB's - Let down of SXSW. I was considering seeing Bob Mould, but this performance made me change my mind about seeing a retro act
Ganglians - They played in the saddest venue at SXSW. The desperation of the place probably affected my mood.
The War on Drugs - At least I got to sit during the performance

[b]Not for Me[/b]
Bare Wires - Just standard rock. Did nothing for me
Say Hi - SXSW announced that Nada Surf would be playing acoustic, so I knew not to go. Why couldn't they do the same here?
Zulu Winter - They were too safe and polished, sounding like latter day Killers or Coldplay
Yellow Ostrich - Saw them independently from Frau, but came to the same conclusion
Titus Andronicus - Meh.
Lost in the Trees - Lovely dinner party music.
Cymbals Eat Guitars - Maybe white-boy indie fatigue had set in, maybe they just sucked
Big Deal - Mopey duo, awful music
Hands and Teeth - Hats off to a Toronto band borrowing a guitar built in the shape of Texas, but I just don't like the woman's voice at all.

[b]I'd Like to See More[/b]
I only got to hear a couple of songs by these bands, but I wish I heard more

Thee Oh Sees
The Twilight Sad
Black Ryder

[b]Really Wanted to See[/b]
Dirty Ghosts
Thee Oh Sees
Chain Gang of 1974
The Big Pink
Washed Out
The Crocodiles
Michael Kiwanuka
The Ettes

(More to come)
Room at the Top
Posts: 3463
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:11 am

Postby Frau_Blucher » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:54 am

Very jealous of your top 3 Plag. I hate missing out!
Room at the Top
Posts: 10195
Joined: Wed May 21, 2003 1:37 pm

Postby djcraig » Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:03 am

Enjoying these reviews! Will read more later as time allows.

[quote]Originally posted by Frau_Blucher

[b]A+ Peter Case and Paul Collins: [/b]
The first of two gigs, and I was so happy that my eyes almost got a little watery at one point. One particular string of Million Miles, Hanging on the Telephone, When You Find Out, Working Too Hard, then Now. Wow! I don’t know if anyone else in the room, Coop or Plag included, would give this score, but these bands were very personal to me. It was magic and it was near ecstasy.
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I'm jealous and I hate you and I'm jealous!

[quote][b]A Ume at Cantina Chipala: [/b]
I could post 50 pics of Lauren thrashing about.
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Oh please do!

<a href="">DJ Craig</a>
Room at the Top
Posts: 3703
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:28 am

Postby djcraig » Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:06 am

Download: SPIN Presents Austin Power: Best SXSW Acts 2012 ... ign=031912

2:54 – "Scarlet"
Ava Luna – "Ice Level"
A.Dd+ – "Sh*t Got Crazy"
Bear in Heaven – "Sinful Nature"
Bleached – "Searching Through The Past"
Blondes – "Wine" and "Wine (Teengirl Fantasy Remix)"
Blue Sky Black Death – "Sleeping Children Are Still Flying"
Chelsea Wolfe – "Tall Bodies"
Cities Aviv – "Jaguar"
Class Actress – "Weekend"
Cloud Nothings – "No Future/No Past"
DaVinci – "D.R.E.A.M."
Django Django – "Default"
Dope Body – "Lazy Slave"
Hospitality – "Betty Wang"
Hull – "In Death, Truth"
Jacques Greene – "Arrow" ft. Koreless
King Tuff - "Wild Desire"
La Sera – "Break My Heart"
Main Attrakionz – "Bossalinis & Fooliyones pt. 2"
Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire – "The Gold Watch"
Natural Child – "Ain’t Gonna Stop"
Pujol – "DIY2K"
Screaming Females – "It All Means Nothing"
Sharon Van Etten – "Serpents"
Spoek Mathambo – "Let Them Talk"
St. Lucia – "We Got It Wrong"
Star Slinger – "Dumbin’" ft. Reggie B
The Coathangers – "Smother"
The War on Drugs – "Baby Missiles"
Thee Oh Sees – "The Dream"
Thundercat – "For Love I Come"
Torche – "Kicking"
Tycho – "Hours"
Unknown Mortal Orchestra – "FFunny FFrends"
Xray Eyeballs – "Four"
White Fence- "Swagger Vets and Double Moon"
Widowspeak – "Harsh Realm"
Youth Lagoon – "July"
Zola Jesus – "Seekir"

<a href="">DJ Craig</a>
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Postby i_like_lectric_motors » Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:29 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Frau_Blucher[/i]
<br>And now a question. Which is THE Drummer Goddess of SXSW 2012? Cold Showers' Jess or "Honey" from The Vandelles?

<img src=""> <img src="">

Wow, that's a tough choice. I guess I'll vote for Honey.
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Postby Frau_Blucher » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:33 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by i_like_lectric_motors[/i]
Wow, that's a tough choice. I guess I'll vote for Honey.
You win! She'll be knocking on your door shortly.
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Postby plagiarism » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:43 am

Frau, will you be running a contest for bassists?
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Postby plagiarism » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:27 pm

[quote]Originally posted by Frau_Blucher

[b]C+ The dB’s at BD Riley’s: [/b]
This was a big disappointment, but honestly not the biggest surprise because I was actually having a hard time figuring how good they would be live based on their recorded material. Plus like Coop said at the time, the worst thing you can possibly hear at a festival is “We’ve got a new album coming out…" So of course they skipped many favorites, and the rest of the songs played just weren’t that compelling. Nothing at all like the other veterans I saw this week, all the rest of whom really brought it. Could have been lower if it didn’t serve to put a check mark next to classic band seen.
<img src="">


I heard correctly. That is Mitch Easter on bass. I would have done the mancrush thing had I known. A waste not to have him contributing on backing vocals.
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Postby i_like_lectric_motors » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:46 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by djcraig[/i]
<br>Download: SPIN Presents Austin Power: Best SXSW Acts 2012 ... ign=031912


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Postby coop41 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:44 pm

My recap of the week, quite possibly the best one yet, plagiarism and Frau were a blast:
Saw only about 45 different music shows, Tuesday night I went all Comedy which was awesome featured: Ron White, Kyle Kinane, Pete Holmes, Eliza Skinner,Chris Gethard and a couple others. Over 2 hours of fantastic comedy, glad I caught it.

Best Signs:
Homeless guy holding a sign: How About Some Cheddar For This Cracker?

Free Shrugs
<a href="¤t=photo.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Not Pregnant?
<a href="¤t=photo1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Saw the Naked Cowboy from New York City, a terrible fight with a guy getting his head kicked in which is so rare the cops were slow to react, Homeless Hotspots (yup!) and keeping your cell phone charged for an entire day was impossible:
<a href="¤t=photo4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

The Correct Listings:
The highlight for me was The Jesus and Mary Chain and on top of it I snagged the setlist. Not to mention the dude who got onstage and ripped his clothes off in an attempt to stage dive only to get pushed from behind by a bouncer as the red sea of the crowd parted and he went splat on the concrete. After kicking Frau with his foot on the way by in the face.
<a href="¤t=CoopSetlist.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Other Top acts, not necessarily in order:
Cage The Elephant- Energetic, charismatic, sounded perfect, great set!!
<a href="¤t=IMG_0913.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Dinosaur Jr.
the Wedding Present
The Riverboat Gamblers - Seriosuly crazy set
Hatcham Social
Kaiser Chiefs
Jukebox The Ghost
Chairlift - except the creepy dude who asked her to Marry Him Now over the mic
Cold Showers
Band Of Skulls:
<a href="¤t=IMG_0921.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Peter Case/Paul Collins

the next group (and all were good):
Ringo Deathstarr
Foreign Resort (at the Frank - didnt like them as much at Casa Chapala)
Brite Futures (although Plagiarism might be right)
Titus Andronicus
the Nightbeats
Django Django
dB's - the biggest disappointment by far but they are damn good musicians
The Ohsees:
<a href="¤t=IMG_0883.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

So-so for me:
Hands and Teeth
The Vandelles
Nightmare Air
Me You Us them
Lost In The Trees
Thomas Dolby (too damn long to set up and sound check and they still weren't happy with the sound although he was very appreciative of the crowd)
Wintersleep- play the damn song I like from you guys (see also dB's, Titus)
Oddisee - not my type of music but I get it - caught his whole rap set, intelligent lyrics, pretty cool vibe, crowd into it

Could have done without:
Paula & Karol
Zulu Winter
Cymbals Eat Guitars
Gardens and Villas
the Sword - heavy doom metal band waiting for Cage - no thanks
Jimmy Cliff - damn that set sounded like one long song, in other words, reggae

Not enough to judge:
The Biters
Black Ryder - hottest women in music as far as I am concerned though

A special note about Say Hi- it was so different than what I expected but I checked it out after the fact. Say Hi is one guy. I know we all thought it was an acoustic set but nope, one dude playing a guitar , his albums are mostly recorded in his house with him playing all the instruments.

The gal from Chairlift is battling Ritzy for my new love crush but if that girl in Black Ryder would have glanced my way....
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Postby Frau_Blucher » Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:18 pm

You're not a creepy dude Coop. Stalker maybe. And right, Free Shrugs, possibly the highlight of SXSW. And I forgot all about Band of Skulls - dammit, was that when the news anchor woman trapped me in conversation? I think Black Ryder are vampires.

Coop, what's your verdict on Nightbeats? Did they just resonate with on some weird level or were they actually good?

PS Plag, the hot bassist contest would take too long - sooo many.
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Postby Frau_Blucher » Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:44 pm

I knew we'd seen them before...from my 2010 review:

[b]Grade C+: Band of Skulls at Cedar St 3/19 Day[/b]
These Brits are basically hard rock, even a bit of Southern rock. I don’t know how they’re exactly alternative. They do rock though, and for that they get a + despite not really being my thing.
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Postby coop41 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:40 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by Frau_Blucher[/i]
Coop, what's your verdict on Nightbeats? Did they just resonate with on some weird level or were they actually good?


Added them back in, I liked them and also left off Lost In The Trees, just ok.
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