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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:44 am
by Klaus Von Konrad
[quote][i]Originally posted by Jimbo[/i]

BTW KVK, I sent your home address to John Ashcroft. [^]

Bwhahahahah... [:)]
<hr height="1"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:08 am
^ha, ha, ha^

Guess I was wrong about New Jersey, oh well,,,,,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:58 am
by savethewave
Don't look at me...I voted for the purple m&m to be the new color, and we know how THAT turned out, don't we.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:23 pm
by Jimbo
[quote]Originally posted by Klaus Von Konrad[/i]
It's only a matter a time before I'm deemed an enemy combatant! [8D]
<hr height="1" nosha

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:58 pm
by hendrick
Shit, it doesn't look good right now, Bush is winning.......
A black night for USA and the world......

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:27 am
[quote][i]Originally posted by marvymarv[/i]
<br>I say we get a New Jersey surprise. The gay governor who has stepped down from office real