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Hobbies, anyone?

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Postby xtc-1957 » Wed May 11, 2005 11:06 pm

Besides reading non-fiction.....

My REAL hobby is astronomy.....ever since I was about 12...I just love to lay outside on a picnic table or lawn chair and stare at the sky and/or use my binoculars. Very therapeutic.
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Postby eight6 » Wed May 11, 2005 11:28 pm

I'm not sure this qualifies as a hobby, but I digitally restore vinyl recordings. My record collection is mostly early 80's and quite obscure so I'm not holding out hope that any of it will be released on CD. I've been doing this for about 5 years now, and although it is satisfying to hear a click/pop/noise free early gem, it does take quite a bit of time and patience.

The restoration process is fairly simple once you get the hang of it, the art lies in the ability to bring out the maximum amount of musical information while losing the noise.

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Postby design_femme » Thu May 12, 2005 10:35 am

Thanks manekineko! I really appreciate the help. Our quilt is not antique. It was specifically made for my hubby by his stepdad's mom. We love it dearly. We hadn't put it anywhere near water for fear of ruining it.
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Postby Horrorgrrl » Thu May 12, 2005 11:20 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by buffalochipz[/i]
<br>[quote][i]Originally posted by savethewave[/i]

I also collect really bad music, like bad celebrity albums, bad high school marching bands, etc. The music has to have three qualities:
Lack of talent
Lack of self-awareness
Absolute sincerity.

Have you heard the Langley Schools Music Project? It's a group of Canadian schoolkids recorded in the late 70s who sing and play instruments. Their music teacher had them tackle some pretty interesting stuff including Fleetwood Mac, the Beach Boys and Klaatu. I think I included their version of Space Oddity on some of the mix CDs I sent out. They completely nail the absolute sincerity part of your requirements.

I believe I have an mp3 of this group somewhere performing FMac's "Rhiannon". It would be interesting to hear how they tackled Klaatu. Did they do "Little Neutrino" by any chance?

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Postby Horrorgrrl » Thu May 12, 2005 11:23 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by phillyidol[/i]
<br> are a piss!(translation-funny as hell)I get what your saying on the retro stuff. My thing is older building and hous design. They used to put so much into detail.
When you described the drawing I pictured 2 shows on late night. Harry birdman, attorney at law, and Sea lab 2010. These cartoons take the orriginals and totally change them around. You would love it. The sarcasm is rampant.

Sealab 2021 is a riot! Unfortunately, I think Cartoon Network decided to cancel it (again):-(. Space Ghost Coast To Coast was another fave that got the axe. Harvey Birdman rocks!

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Postby Horrorgrrl » Thu May 12, 2005 12:02 pm

Hi there!

Well, as one can tell from my user name, one of my hobbies is horror. Horror cinema mostly, but I also indulge in horror literature quite often as well. I occasionally write articles on B-to-Z grade cult horror movies on the webzine Horrorwood:

You can search the archives under my real name - Tess Henson - to find the articles if you're interested. I also attend horror conventions where I have met many cool celebs within the genre. I collect the autographs of these celebs and have several nice 8X10 glossy photos personally autographed to me from the likes of Tom Savini, Ken Foree, Gunnar Hansen, Sid Haig, Glenn Shadix, Traci Lords, etc. I also usually have my photo taken with them and have a burgeoning collection of these items as well. I collect horror movies posters, and have a nice lot of original one-sheets, including an ultra-rare one for "Day Of The Dead". I am a bonafide horror FREAK!!!

Along with being an avid fan of New Wave music, and 80's pop-culture in general, I am also a rabid collector of anything having to do with the band Fleetwood Mac, and in particular, singer Stevie Nicks. I have a massive collection of bootlegs, demos, live recordings & interviews on mp3, CD & vinyl. I also have tons of professionally filmed bootleg Stevie Nicks concerts on video and DVD, and some fan-filmed ones as well. And of course I have all the commercially released stuff - audio and video - as well. My pride and joy though, is my Stevie Nicks poster collection. 90% originals - some exceedingly rare - all mint or near mint condition. I have 32 Stevie Nicks personality & promo posters in my collection, and it's estimated value is @$3,000.

Aside from the collecting, I also enjoy rollercoasters, storm-chasing, attending sci-fi conventions (mostly for the parties;-)), writing & performing original music (I was a band here in Indy about 10 years ago, and it was one of the best times of my life - what a kick being on stage!), playing keyboards & singing.

My most recent hobby has been my internet radio station at Live365 where I have a new wave station. While there are tons of 80's stations at Live365, I try to do something different with mine. I play rare, obscure, extended, remixed and live versions of popular songs by the popular artists, and rare & obscure new wave songs & artists - paired with deep album cuts. I also play music by today's indie artists within this modern new wave movement. My station's name is Tess's Indie-Wave - which is indicative of the format - half classic new wave and related genres - half new indie artists kickin' it retro style. You can find it here:

After only two months of broadcasting, I won an award for "Best Station You've Never Heard" at the Live365 yearly awards summit. So, tune in and enjoy!

Well, that's it from me - and it's entirely enough as it seems I've written a book here;-). Sorry, I do tend to ramble at times. Rock on!

The Jet Set
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Postby Horrorgrrl » Thu May 12, 2005 12:04 pm


I LOVE the silk purses - they are quite beautiful! Your quilts are very nice as well, but man, those purses are just awesome! Especially the little white one.

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Postby buffalochipz » Thu May 12, 2005 1:55 pm

[quote][i]Originally posted by Horrorgrrl[/i]
<br>It would be interesting to hear how they tackled Klaatu. Did they do "Little Neutrino" by any chance?


Nope, it was "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft"
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Postby Horrorgrrl » Fri May 13, 2005 8:08 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by buffalochipz[/i]
<br>[quote][i]Originally posted by Horrorgrrl[/i]
<br>It would be interesting to hear how they tackled Klaatu. Did they do "Little Neutrino" by any chance?


Nope, it was "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft"


Cool, I'll have to see if I can find their version for download somewhere.

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Postby manekineko » Fri May 13, 2005 8:37 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Horrorgrrl[/i]

I LOVE the silk purses - they are quite beautiful! Your quilts are very nice as well, but man, those purses are just awesome! Especially the little white one.


Thanks, Tess! I'm tweaking the design a little and then I may decide to start selling them.

Wow, you're quite the collector of many different aspects of pop culture. I am way too squeamish for horror movies. I have to cover my eyes during the gorey parts or I'll have nightmares. I'm such a weanie.

Kudos to you on your webstation! And welcome to NWO!
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Postby manekineko » Fri May 13, 2005 8:39 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by xtc-1957[/i]
<br>Very nice Paula!

I think I see some Monet in you.

Maybe someday there will be some Monet if I ever decide to sell my handbags. Right now, however, I'm Baroque.

Thanks, John.
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Postby xtc-1957 » Fri May 13, 2005 1:04 pm


Now, that's wit!
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Postby ROOSKYGIRL » Fri May 13, 2005 1:18 pm

Oh just made beer come out of my nose[:D][:D][:p][:p]
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Postby manekineko » Sun Aug 14, 2005 1:42 am

Here are two more purses that I finished recently. I designed the pattern myself. The fabric is linen that I quilted to a batting, which makes the bags very structured, so they stand up by themselves. The bottom of the bags is suede and I used bamboo handles. In the pictures you can see the contrasting lining fabric. I made the bags for my two Japanese friends, Harumi and Tamie, who have given me some incredible handmade purses in the past.

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">
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Postby WolverineSyr » Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:24 am

Those are awesome! If I was the kind of guy to carry a purse I'd be begging for one![:D]

Honestly, you should consider selling them. I'd buy one, it would make a great gift.
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