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Phillip Jap - Total Erasure

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:08 pm
by Frayo
Ive had this Mp3 for a while now and I have been looking it up. I cant find much. Mike, I need to enlist your music expertise...again.

I love this song! The FX-ed (or real?) vocals are so cool and the synth FX after each line in the chorus are cool. That FX reminds me of my "Torture everyone who sets foot in my room with this awsome new wave song" entitled "Afraid of You" by "Kaja".

Overall this song reminds me a lot of Real Lifes work-for some reason. Yes, Real Life with more FX and guitars and a cool keyboards!

AIM: RaiyoKun (Im online almost all the time)