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Record Conventions

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:08 am
by Grunch
Does anyone attend any record conventions in your area? What is the best one you have ever been to, and what is your best find at a convention?

I love to hit record conventions, even though some of the vendors are like carnies. I have found some incredible deals on CD's and vinyl over the years at conventions. Even though I don;t always find everything on my list of must haves, sometimes I find some of them, but it is always the wildcard assortment of things you didn't expect to find, or even knew existed, that sometimes are the best things!!

I can;t say for sure what my most proized find at a convention is, but about a year ago I found, on CD for $7, Flying Color - Self Titled. Man, that is one rare CD, big time, and I had previously just made myself a CD-R from my cassette, but to find that CD, with bonus tracks, was perhaps my biggest find at a convention.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:40 am
by bpdp3
They only come to my area about once a year, but I definitely go. Sometimes it's neat just to see what other people are buying.

I pretty much stick with the vinyl. Let's say there's 30 to 50 dealers: only one or two of them will have a seperate sect

PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:17 pm
by skinnytie
I've only just started going to them, but to be honest, I do better at the second hand stores than at the conventions. I never go with a wish list, I just look through everything and see if it strikes my fancy (you never know what you might find). That'

PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:28 am
by Natephish
Anyone in Connecticut? There's a record convention on October 3rd in the Howard Johnson's in North Haven, on Washington Ave. The North Haven (I believe #10) exit off of 91. You'll get off RIGHT across the street from it. I'll be there. [8D]