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MV3 Episodes....

Discussions about the golden age of MTV and music videos, directors, techniques, DVD releases, etc.

MV3 Episodes....

Postby EchoBeach » Thu Apr 10, 2003 6:18 pm

Anyone have any MV3 episodes taped????

If so, I will pay handsomely for copies.

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Postby Quite Life » Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:48 am

I gave up on that quest long ago...
Way back in the day I used to skip or be late to soccer practice because MV3 was on KTVU 2 (SF bay area) at around 4pm so to keep me from getting busted I would tape the shows, ya know with Richard Blade and that chick April....5 years ago I tried looking for them I could'nt find them in my house and I could't find them at my parents. I suspect that years latter my mom taped L.A Law or some silly show overthem. I still have tapes that I recorded of the "Quake" KQAK FM 99 circa 83-84. even have parts of a special live show at the Mab in SF with the Mutants singing thier song "Oposite World" from a show around 80-81??

Good luck. If i do find them I'll hook you up...
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Postby sparks » Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:59 am

I remember hurrying home from high school here in Detroit so I wouldn't miss mv3. Richard Blade was great and the bands were just starting to get big. The next day in school we would talk about the bands like Oingo Boingo, psychedelic furs or how cool Falco looked, What station was mv3 aired from? maybe they have copies in their archives. I would love to sit down and watch them again.
Running Up That Hill
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Postby ChiGirl » Thu Jul 31, 2003 2:19 pm

Anyone have any MV3 episodes taped????

If so, I will pay handsomely for copies.


<font color=navy>I don't have any of the episodes on tape, but i'm amazed i'm not the last person on the planet who remembers this show. I mean, this was my introduction to all the New wave bands(English Beat, Talk Talk, Tears for Fears, Yaz, the cure, etc.) and many more U.K. artists....I was hooked on this show. I would love to have some old videos of the show, but its one of those things from the early 80's that may never come to surface for me. Oh well....</font>

<font color=6495ed><font face="Book antiqua">[b][i]ChiGirl</font>[/b][/i]

Edited by - ChiGirl on 07/31/2003 21:25:37
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Postby angellicate » Wed Aug 13, 2003 12:25 am

I too [b]loved</B> MV3! It was the coolest thing around then. How I wish somebody would rebroadcast it sometime.

I was in college at the time, and my classes were over in time to get back to the dorm and watch. I think it was on around 4pm in Chicago. Guess it just lives on in our memories ...
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Postby ChiGirl » Tue Aug 19, 2003 3:04 pm

I too [b]loved</B> MV3! It was the coolest thing around then. How I wish somebody would rebroadcast it sometime.

I was in college at the time, and my classes were over in time to get back to the dorm and watch. I think it was on around 4pm in Chicago. Guess it just lives on in our memories ...

Yes, you are correct. I'm also in chicago, and I remembered it so vividly because I watched it everyday after school. I believe I was in the 8th grade at the time, but this was a daily ritual for me. Ahh, those good times of the 80's.

<font color=320032><font face="Book antiqua">[b][i]ChiGirl</font>[/b][/i]
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Postby Frayo » Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:41 pm

This is a dumb question, and Im showing my youth by asking this, but..

What was MV3?

AIM: RaiyoKun (Im online almost all the time)
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Postby luke71 » Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:59 pm

mv3 wut the f...
i have longed for episodes to re air of this amazing, better than mtv phenomenal music program. ebn-ozn, hayzee fantayzee (not spelled right i am sure),the waitresses, haircut 100,echo and the bunnymen,tears for fears,oingo boingo,duran duran............i could go on forever with my recollection of what richard blade used to play on this after school show. it was the best ever. i wish i could find a rebroadcast somewhere.
Running Up That Hill
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Postby sheenaiz » Tue Aug 26, 2003 2:01 pm

MV3 = American Bandstand but for punk/new wave. I thought it was only broadcast in the LA area but I guess I'm wrong.

Somebody here ... 27616.html
says they have several episodes but it's from 1999. Good luck finding them.
Running Up That Hill
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Postby MichaelDair » Fri Aug 29, 2003 5:48 pm

While the rest of the country was oowing and awwing over Linda Ronstadt, and Fleatwood Mac, L.A. was having fun with New Wave music from a blowtorch of a radio station called KROQ, and a little dance show called MV3.
Well for those of you that remember MV3 (or not), it was the "American Bandstand" of the 80's.

At the time I was lucky enough to be working in three of the L.A. areas hottist clubs inwhich all those hipp and cool dressed dancers were recruted from, and most of the dancers there were my friends. The Show was hosted by non other than KROQ's Richard Blade and valgirl chick April, who also was on air at the ROQ, (she did latenite). The show was a phenomenon of its time, with all the great bands, and ther videos. Wonderous images of such bands as Devo,Romeo Void,Flying Lizzards, Wahm UK, Gary Newman, Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads, Boy George, Thomas Dolby, and on and on. Imagine,rock stars the made little movies! With only a handfull of radio stations in the country playing Wave, I can only immagine what it was like for all of you seeing this for the first time. But what really captured everyones imagination was the show itself, a neon-lit studio full of happy tanned folks in cool cloths, doing cool dances to way out tunes.

Now for the shows Bio info: (This is only from memory, I will chck with some of the people that were on the show ) MV3 was on he air for less the a year. It was aired and shot at KCOP-TV Ch.13 in L.A.
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby MichaelDair » Fri Aug 29, 2003 6:37 pm

P.S. The show was later called "Video Hits One"
Switchin' to Glide
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Postby Jason² » Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:09 am

I will always worship MV3 if for no other reason in 1984 (maybe?) they were the first (and to this day - ONLY) place I ever saw the video for "It's No Reason" by The Church.
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Postby DoveManF1-11 » Mon Sep 01, 2003 3:48 pm

what does MV3 stand for? excuse my lack of knowledge.
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Postby ChiGirl » Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:09 pm

what does MV3 stand for? excuse my lack of knowledge.

It stood for Music Video 3. I guess it was reminisent with MTV, because this was during the era when MTV was becoming popular.

<font color=320032><font face="Book antiqua">[b][i]ChiGirl</font>[/b][/i]
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Postby bhs82 » Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:18 pm


What clubs?? Was the "Seven Seas" one of them?? It was cool to see the "Seven Seas" imortalized as a background shot in "Valley Girl" while they were cruising Hollywood (A movie of fairly accurate geographical and cultural portrayals of the time).

Anyway, most of your post was correct except for just a couple of things.

I was actually a dancer on MV3!
I don't know how other dancers were recruited, but I heard of it word of mouth through some guys at an OC club called "Circus Circus"
Another OC club was "Dejavu". "Louis" appeared in dance contests and usually won at these clubs before getting the lead in Madonna's "Borderline", and going on to date her, then be sponsored by her in his short lived musical carreer.

MV3 did stand for Music Videos 3, and I think that the "3" referred to the number of hosts.

It was taped at a little stage / studio in Burbank, CA, right off the 5 fwy @ Alameda. The studio was on a side street running along side the 5, just S. of Alameda on the E. side... it is now a plumbing supply wherehouse. From the show, you would have thought the studio huge, but it was actually very small.

I thought that it aired on channel 9 at the time - now know as KCAL, but back then it was something else. Anyway, KCOP 13's studios are on LaBrea, and most certainly a far cry from where we shot MV3 when I was on it.

I always thought that MV3 was merely a local show here in LA. I am floored by the posts here - absolutely floored. I can not believe y'all remember the show, let alone the impact and the widespread distribution.

I lived in Orange County at the time, and split the club scene between OC and LA. I was also trying to break into acting at the time and had stints in Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video as well as Dwight Twilley's "Girls", while getting the lead for Kiss's "I Love It Loud". We shot "Beat It" just as "Billy Jean" was starting to air on MV3. For years I've heard black artists mention that MTV didn't play black artists until "Thriller", which seemed off to me because I remember so vividly that when we filmed "Beat It", I was a fan from the "Off the Wall" days, and "Billy Jean" (song and video) had surfaced, but not caught on yet.... Now after reading here, I realize that MV3 was where I saw "Billy Jean", and yes - they were innovative and playing black artists before their big brother ever did.

Back to filming, or taping actually... There was a giant Blue Screen (same kind they use behind news people). - It may have been Green, I honestly don't remember the exact color having worked with both over the years... Anyway, whichever color it was, dancers would have to avoid wearing the same color, otherwise they would "dissapear". If I remember correctly, they would shoot several episodes in a day, and dancers were asked to bring several changes of clothes. They never actually showed videos on-screen in the studio, except on occasion to start off a song. So, we, as dancers, only got to see the videos by watching the show on TV, just like everybody else. I had a lot of fun doing the show, but people I knew wouldn't return more than once because it was much less glamorous than it appeared.

Besides the "live" performances by bands like Psych Furs, Berlin and so on, I also remember other odd things like commedians - Vic Dunlop for instance. The "stage" was directly opposite the Video Screen, and occasionally we got to get up on stage and dance while a band was performing as with Berlin.

Michael, I am curious if one of the people you knew was "Debbie Diamond"? She was the one wearing the outragoeous and cool outfits like dresses reminicent of Little Bo Peep - Bleached Blonde?? My wife went to school in the San Gabriel Valley (she is about to go to her 20 year reunion, and the thing she is most tickled about is telling a certain couple of friends that she married an MV3 dancer), where Debbie was from and had friends that had friends that knew her. I remember pulling her onto an episode of "Square Pegs" when some rockabilly band was playing (I think the "Copy Cats"), and then of course, when we showed up and Richard Blade was also in the episode, we had our little MV3 sub thing going on.

I did extra work on "Square Pegs" at the time, and they did a couple of shows that featured elements of the "80s" dancing scene.

Anyway, like all of you, and perhaps even a little more, in todays age of technology, I would love to get my hands on some of these episodes and preserve them. I recently succeeded in acquiring some of the music videos and tv episodes I mentioned, but not any MV3 ones. I would love to know who has the rights to these things... I am sure the episodes are sitting in some vault somewhere... Perhaps attempting to contact Richard Blade may be a good lead??

Thank y'all for taking me down memory lane, and perking me up! I really had no idea. I always thought what we were doing was in the class of a local public access channel, but with the cool - not mainstream - scene. The people I danced there with thought that a lot of things were cheesy - some of the intros (writing), having comedians, etc. I always thought that although they keyed on and into the scene, they often strayed and were not centrally focussed. In retrospect, I imagine Richard Blade brought the scene to the party, and the (clueless)producers probably insisted on some of the other, and the result was a little splintered. Nevertheless, it was a milestone, and much more so than I ever knew. Please - please post any resources!

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