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Gwen Stefani = evil!!

Discussions about the new generations of bands influenced by '80s New Wave and Postpunk

Postby djcraig » Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:45 am

The sad thing is, No Doubt was doing real ska back in the 80's before they got popular. And they had been one of the great hopes to help bring rock back into the forefront of popular music.

But as long as Gwen continues to fulfill her fantasy of becoming a ghetto music queen, we're all going to suffer.

There is a glut of female hip hop artists on the scene. And a shortage of good female rockers. Gwen, don't abandon us here with the likes of Avril Lavigne! Get back to what you do best, ROCK!!!
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Postby djcraig » Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:53 am

Originally posted by XXX

"It never was. It was this Ska-inspired tripe she croaked in the first few albums which was all the rage at the time they were cut. If it hasn't passed by now, it should pass soon enough."


Sorry, I have to call Bullsh*t here. The ska rage passed in the early 80's. No Doubt carried the torch from the late 80's on, when ska was as outdated as your Mom's leg warmers.

Give them credit for playing the music they loved when nobody in the commercial music world gave a crap. And thank God No Doubt didn't sell out and opt to become a hair metal band.
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Postby Bitter Almonds » Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:43 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by djcraig[/i]
Originally posted by XXX

"It never was. It was this Ska-inspired tripe she croaked in the first few albums which was all the rage at the time they were cut. If it hasn't passed by now, it should pass soon enough."


Sorry, I have to call Bullsh*t here. The ska rage passed in the early 80's. No Doubt carried the torch from the late 80's on, when ska was as outdated as your Mom's leg warmers.

Give them credit for playing the music they loved when nobody in the commercial music world gave a crap. And thank God No Doubt didn't sell out and opt to become a hair metal band.


Nobody gave a crap about No Doubt 'cause they sucked from the onset. Their debut was finally launched in 1992, a couple of years after Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and the same year Sublime also broke into the mainstream. What? Do we thank No Doubt for bringing out half-baked, third-rate bands, such as Save Ferris, into the foray of 90s music? Spare us, please[xx(]
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Postby djcraig » Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:31 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by XXX[/i]
<br>[quote][i]Originally posted by djcraig[/i]
Originally posted by XXX

"It never was. It was this Ska-inspired tripe she croaked in the first few albums which was all the rage at the time they were cut. If it hasn't passed by now, it should pass soon enough."


Sorry, I have to call Bullsh*t here. The ska rage passed in the early 80's. No Doubt carried the torch from the late 80's on, when ska was as outdated as your Mom's leg warmers.

Give them credit for playing the music they loved when nobody in the commercial music world gave a crap. And thank God No Doubt didn't sell out and opt to become a hair metal band.


Nobody gave a crap about No Doubt 'cause they sucked from the onset. Their debut was finally launched in 1992, a couple of years after Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and the same year Sublime also broke into the mainstream. What? Do we thank No Doubt for bringing out half-baked, third-rate bands, such as Save Ferris, into the foray of 90s music? Spare us, please[xx(]


Ooh. Somebody's had too much cofee.

Obviously, somebody gave a crap at some point as they are still around and could currently sell out any venue you care to name.

To answer your question, we thank them for trying to carry the tradition of the early 80's ska music that inspired them, whether they sucked at it or not. You may not like them but at least they stayed true to their passion when it was not a popular alternative. They were about to quit when what was to be their final album finally caught fire.

Sure, I'd rather listen to The Specials or English Beat but when 90's pop culture was overrun with bubblegum pop, rap, hair metal or grunge, No Doubt wasn't such a bad option. You have to realize that the 90's didn't have nearly the amount of great rock bands the 80's did. With so much less to choose from, every alternative rock band that could generate a large amount of interest was like a win for our side.

While they are not my favorite band, they gave hope that those who do not follow the current trend can still make it. That philosophy is straight out of the 70's/80's Punk DIY handbook. And for that I have to respect them.

PS Given the choice, I'll take Save Ferris over the Backstreet Boys any day.
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Postby KYYX4ever » Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:57 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Borneojimy[/i]
<br> Kinda like how bullshit like Sum 41 & Jimmy Eat World get referred to as punk.

oh yeah, totally. That kills me! Last year, I recall one of my favorite Seniors who proclaimed himself all punk and original because he was Blink 182's biggest fan. Or was it Green Day. I always tried to hide my giggles at his stance, but he was so sincere.
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Postby Jeanette » Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:18 am

I saw No Doubt live last year...only because someone gave us free tickets a few hours before the show. They were actually ok and I do like a few songs. I am NOT impressed with what I have heard from Gwen's solo album, though.

I used to think Gwen was kinda cool....but things I have read in interviews the last few years have REALLY bugged me. She talks about how she has a tendency to be a "little bigger" and that she has to really work at being the size she is....with tons of exercise and depriving herself when it comes to eating. I think she is sending a horrible message to young girls/women! I don't think that bragging about how little you eat to be that thin is cool at all. And more to the point, what's wrong with having curves??? She looks unnaturally thin to's obvious she is really striving for a certain look...
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Postby Ape Module » Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:35 am

She's a Top 40 bowel movement. Can't stand her, can't stand No Doubt, though I tried to like them. Boring. If I want to hear decent music, I'll listen to all the ska and 80s sounds that she and her crew have so unimaginatively ripped off.

DAMN it's hard to find decent music these days.
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Postby hutter » Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:45 am

Amen to that, Ape.
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Postby Ape Module » Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:38 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Jeanette[/i]
<br>I saw No Doubt live last year...only because someone gave us free tickets a few hours before the show. They were actually ok and I do like a few songs. I am NOT impressed with what I have heard from Gwen's solo album, though.

I used to think Gwen was kinda cool....but things I have read in interviews the last few years have REALLY bugged me. She talks about how she has a tendency to be a "little bigger" and that she has to really work at being the size she is....with tons of exercise and depriving herself when it comes to eating. I think she is sending a horrible message to young girls/women! I don't think that bragging about how little you eat to be that thin is cool at all. And more to the point, what's wrong with having curves??? She looks unnaturally thin to's obvious she is really striving for a certain look...


You really nail it here, Jeanette. I have 2 daughters who have just turned 6 and 7. Already they worry about being too chubby or not popular enough. Their frenz all argue and gossip about who has the nicest clothes and shoes, whose parents make the most money, whose family has the nicest, most expensive car. Very disturbing and it strengthens my resolve to move to the sticks and home school.

There is nothing wrong with being slender, but I like curves. I like a little plumpness. Lots of men do. Regardless, I am dismayed at the drive towards the "emaciated 12 year old androgynous boy look" that has been popular amongst models, etc. for the last 20 years or so. For a while there, every model I saw looked like a bag-eyed starving junky. Most had so few curves they really did resemble pre-adolescent boys.

I think part of the problem is that a large percentage of the people who dictate trends and what is fashionable and run modelling and advertising agencies are men. So instead of what is truly natural and feminine, they get to push this agenda of their warped view of "ideal" femininity.

Maybe they get to save $$$ on textiles if most of their customers are trying to look like they just stepped out of concentration camps.
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Postby Jeanette » Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:10 am

Ape....I TOTALLY agree with you! I have a daughter who is almost 9 and she has the same concerns. ARGH! My best friend's boyfriend is a former model and the stories they could tell you....disgusting! If you go to you can find tons of PRO-anorexia blogs. And celebrities bragging that they eat very little to look the way they do...well, this just perpetuates it all IMO. :(
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Postby New Wave Dave » Mon Dec 26, 2005 3:16 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by Ape Module[/i]
<br>[quote]I have 2 daughters who have just turned 6 and 7. Already they worry about being too chubby or not popular enough.[/quote]
Where would a 6 and 7 year old get ideas like that from?
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Postby Coen » Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:21 pm

I like Gwen Stefani for what she is. Nice popmusic for radio's and charts.
Just inno-popmusic crowding the air.
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Postby Warzau » Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:16 am

[quote][i]Originally posted by New Wave Dave[/i]
<br>[quote][i]Originally posted by Ape Module[/i]
<br>[quote]I have 2 daughters who have just turned 6 and 7. Already they worry about being too chubby or not popular enough.[/quote]
Where would a 6 and 7 year old get ideas like that from?

Who else the Alpha Females at the school probably
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Postby Mechi » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:07 am

Gwen Stefani is so far from new wave... even if New Order members play in one of her songs.
Unfortunately, I suffer her very oftenly because my sister adores her and puts on her CD.
My mum always says "Can't you be normal like your sister instead of having that weird tastes?". LOL! I prefer being anormal and liking Joy Division and The Cure than liking Gwen Stefani and Black Eyed Peas.
No Doubt wasn't bad anyway.

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